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Frequently Asked Questions

We know you may have some questions. While we hope we have answered many of them below, please feel free to contact us with any additional questions.

What does A Place To Prosper do?

We provide housing for independent adults who need stable housing closer to their healthcare agencies.

Are these independent adults violent or unstable?

No. We closely screen our clients to make sure they are stable and safe. Our clients need only minimal services, so we provide a secure home environment so they can maintain their good health. While there are programs and resources available for people struggling with violent tendencies, A Place to Prosper is not such a service.

How many people will be living in the home?

No more than 2 people per bedroom, unless otherwise agreed.

How do you screen your residents?

We meet personally with each person that will be living in the home. We inform them of the rules of the home and verify with them and their healthcare provider that they will be able to abide by those rules.

What type of security do you use?

At minimum, we use cameras to monitor the living rooms, kitchen, and front door. Additionally, we personally visit each home at least bi-weekly.

Is there a live-in supervisor?

No, because our clients don’t require that level of assistance.

How long is your typical lease?

We look forward to a long-term relationship with our homeowners. We would ultimately enjoy a 3-5-year lease after the initial 1- year lease.

Who is responsible for repairs to the home?

Our goal is to make our relationship as stress-free as possible. Therefore, if the major systems of the house are working (roof, air-conditioning, electrical, plumbing), you won’t hear from us. We won’t call you in the middle of the night for maintenance issues.

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